Best8 Prices

Please note this is an average price estimate and the pricing may vary depending on the condition of the property. If there is a change of pricing you will be informed before the service has started.

The price provided doesn’t include congestion charge and parking (Please let us know if you have free parking or a permit). Please note these prices are for all areas within the M25, London.

Please select which service you’d like to view the prices of:

End of Tenancy

Studio Flat £150.00

1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom £180.00

1 Bedroom 2 Bathroom £200.00

2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom £210.00

2 Bedroom 2 Bathroom £240.00

3 Bedroom 1 Bathroom £270.00

3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom £300.00

4 Bedroom 1 Bathroom £330.00

4 Bedroom 2 Bathroom £350.00

4 Bedroom 3 Bathroom £370.00

Anything above 4 bedrooms, Please contact us to arrange a quotation price.


Deep Cleaning

Studio Flat £ 80.00

1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom £100.00

2 bedroom 1 bathroom £120.00

2 bedroom 2 bathroom £130.00

3 bedroom 1 bathroom £140.00

3 bedroom 2 bathroom £150.00

4 bedroom 1 bathroom £160.00

4 bedroom 2 bathroom £170.00

4 bedroom 3 bathroom £180.00

Anything above 4 bedrooms, Please contact us to arrange a quotation price.



Single Bedroom £30.00

Double Bedroom £40.00

Lounge, dining room £40.00

Hallway £25.00

Stairs (Up to 15 steps) £30.00

Landing £20.00

Toilet / Bathroom £25.00

Rug (small) £15.00

Rug (medium) £25.00

Rug (Large) £35.00


Armchair £20.00

Dining Chair £ 5.00

2 Seater Sofa £50.00

3 Seater Sofa £70.00

4 Seater Sofa £90.00


Domestic Cleaning

The frequency of the service determines what priorities that the professional will be able to cover within that service and how well the property is maintained. We offer daily, weekly, fotnightly and monthly cleaning.

Hourly Rate From £16.00

Cost of Detergents (Optional) £5.00


One Off Cleaning (Trial Service)

Hourly rate £18.00

Cost of Detergents (Optional) £5.00



Hourly Rate £16.00