Best8 Terms & Conditions

Cancellation Policy - Please note any cancellation made 24 hours before your cleaning service arrival time will have a cancellation fee to cover the cleaner’s expenses and travel. For regular domestic cleaning services the cancellation fee is £15 for all other services the deposit will be paid out to the professional team assigned.

Complaints - If you’re not satisfied with your cleaning service performed (Any cleaning service we offer) you have 48 hours to contact us with pictures of the unsatisfactory service or raise the complaint with us via email at: or calling us on any number on our “Contact” page. We deal with complaints promptly and you will receive a response back from us within 24 hours.

Please note that any parking fees or congestion fees will be added on to your booking automatically (You will not be charged parking for Regular domestic cleaning or if the team is travelling without a car, you could always asks us before the service if there is parking or you will be notified if the team requires parking). You can request receipt of the parking ticket or congestion charge which will be sent you via email.

We DO NOT wash or clean freshly painted walls or any external parts of the building. We are only responsible for the cleaning inside the Flat/House/Office.

Unless we have seen the property or have started cleaning please note that the price is just an estimate, there is a possibility of a price increase if the property is in very bad condition however you would be advised and would need to confirm if you wish to proceed with the service.